News Digging > Culture > Experience Dragonriding in other parts of World of Warcraft with the Kalimdor Cup
Experience Dragonriding in other parts of World of Warcraft with the Kalimdor Cup
Experience Dragonriding in other parts of World of Warcraft with the Kalimdor Cup,While Dragonflight patch 10.1.5 may not have unlocked flight in the old world (yet), players will still soon be able to get a taste of Dragonriding on one of the original continents of World of Warcraft soon with the advent of the Kalimdor Cup. This event -- which runs from August 15 through August 28 -- will see a total of 16 courses added to Kalimdor, with at least one in almost every zone in Kalimdor: Felwood Flyover, in Felwood Nordrassil Spiral and Hyjal Hotfoot, in Mount Hyjal Rocketway Ride, in Azshara Durotar Tour, in Durotar Desolace Drift, in Desolace Razorfen Roundabout, in the Southern Barrens Feralas Ruins Ramble, in Feralas Uldum Tour, in Uldum Ashenvale Ambit, in Ashenvale Winter Wander, in Winterspring Webwinder Weave, in Stonetalon Mountains Great Divide Dive, in the Northern Barrens Thousand Needles Thread, in Thousand Needles Ahn'Qiraj Circuit, in the outdoor version of Ahn'Qiraj south of Silithus Un'goro Crater Circuit, in Un'goro CraterEach of these races will come in regular, advanced, and reverse varieties -- just like the the races on the Dragon Isles -- and completing them all with a gold medal will reward the Kalimdor Racer title.

Experience Dragonriding in other parts of World of Warcraft with the Kalimdor Cup

While Dragonflight patch 10.1.5 may not have unlocked flight in the old world (yet), players will still soon be able to get a taste of Dragonriding on one of the original continents of World of Warcraft soon with the advent of the Kalimdor Cup. This event — which runs from August 15 through August 28 — will see a total of 16 courses added to Kalimdor, with at least one in almost every zone in Kalimdor: Felwood Flyover, in Felwood Nordrassil Spiral and Hyjal Hotfoot, in Mount Hyjal Rocketway Ride, in Azshara Durotar Tour, in Durotar Desolace Drift, in Desolace Razorfen Roundabout, in the Southern Barrens Feralas Ruins Ramble, in Feralas Uldum Tour, in Uldum Ashenvale Ambit, in Ashenvale Winter Wander, in Winterspring Webwinder Weave, in Stonetalon Mountains Great Divide Dive, in the Northern Barrens Thousand Needles Thread, in Thousand Needles Ahn’Qiraj Circuit, in the outdoor version of Ahn’Qiraj south of Silithus Un’goro Crater Circuit, in Un’goro CraterEach of these races will come in regular, advanced, and reverse varieties — just like the the races on the Dragon Isles — and completing them all with a gold medal will reward the Kalimdor Racer title.