News Digging > World > Europe > United Kingdom > Porton Down: Inside the top secret vaccine lab working to stop another pandemic – and Disease X
Porton Down: Inside the top secret vaccine lab working to stop another pandemic – and Disease X
Porton Down: Inside the top secret vaccine lab working to stop another pandemic – and Disease X,Scientists at the UKHSA's top-secret labs at Porton Down are working during post-Covid 'peacetime' to prevent another deadly outbreak, whether it is from avian influenza or an unknown pathogen that could come out of nowhere

Porton Down: Inside the top secret vaccine lab working to stop another pandemic – and Disease X

Scientists at the UKHSA's top-secret labs at Porton Down are working during post-Covid 'peacetime' to prevent another deadly outbreak, whether it is from avian influenza or an unknown pathogen that could come out of nowhere