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Marilyn Monroe Effect Explains How Confidence Changes Your Appearance – Glam

Marilyn Monroe Effect Explains How Confidence Changes Your Appearance – Glam

Marilyn Monroe Effect Explains How Confidence Changes Your Appearance – Glam

If you’ve ever taken the advice to fake it ’til you make it or dress for the job you want rather than the job you have, you were indirectly taking a page from Marilyn Monroe’s book. The Hollywood icon’s tragic beginnings didn’t stop her from using this tool to shapeshift into the charismatic legend we all know and love. The transformation is sometimes referred to as the Marilyn Monroe effect, which essentially translates to turning on the confidence to become highly magnetic. 

It’s natural to assume this takes talent and honed acting skills, but many attest to using the trick themselves and seeing big changes in their lives — simply by embodying the person they desire to be. Whether it’s through body language, posture, or energy, making shifts to exude more confidence can change how others perceive you and, in turn, your image. Here’s a closer look at how the Marilyn Monroe effect can change your appearance.

The Marilyn Monroe effect is similar to the law of assumption

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If you’ve ever studied manifestation or employed it in your daily life, then you likely know how powerful — and important — it is to believe that something is yours before it actually is. When we use the law of assumption, we assume that something we desire is — without a doubt — on its way to us. It’s widely understood that Marilyn Monroe did just this — she believed she was a star until she truly was. So, when it comes to confidence and appearance, it’s key to believe you already embody the person you desire to be — looks, personality, and all. It’s also worth noting that the Marilyn Monroe effect isn’t about trying to be someone you aren’t but about uncovering who you are — separated from limiting thoughts and old beliefs that don’t serve your potential.

If you were to assume you already are magnetic, beautiful, alluring, successful, kind, and charismatic, chances are, those around you would notice a difference in your aura, and this confidence would no doubt also translate to your physical appearance.

Be mindful of your transformation

Gladskikh Tatiana/Shutterstock

If you’re finding that your chosen persona is leaving you feeling drained and exhausted, it’s possible you aren’t just boosting your confidence but playing a character that’s too far out of alignment with your true self. The idea behind the Marilyn Monroe effect is to discover your human potential and let that confidence extend to and enhance your best qualities.

How you carry yourself can have an instant effect on the response you receive from the external world, and it’s key to make sure you believe in your self-worth enough to be deserving of the love and attention you are given. And, if you can’t yet quite believe you are magnetic and desirable, then faking it with your posture, expression, energy, and mindset is the first step. They say it takes just a few weeks to retrain the brain to believe a new idea, so give it some time.

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