News Digging > Culture > Resident Evil 4 Remake Chapter 5 Walkthrough – Merlin’in Kazani
Resident Evil 4 Remake Chapter 5 Walkthrough – Merlin’in Kazani
Resident Evil 4 Remake Chapter 5 Walkthrough - Merlin'in Kazani,Finally, we finish the game and our guide. This is the last part of Resident Evil 4 Remake Chapter 5 Walkthrough.

Resident Evil 4 Remake Chapter 5 Walkthrough – Merlin’in Kazani

In this guide, we will play RE4 Remake from the beginning to the end and reach the solution. This is the last part of Resident Evil 4 Remake Chapter 5 Walkthrough. We basically proceed with the solution in the original game.

Resident Evil 4 Remake Chapter 5 Walkthrough / All Parts

Go down the path and jump over the gap to the bottom. Jump over the gap immediately in front of you and keep following the path until you see the bridge on the right. Ignoring the bridge, jump to the 2 ledges at the end of the path.

After collecting everything around, get off the ledge and cross the bridge. Follow the path on the other side and you”ll see Ashley being taken away. When you jump through the gap, you will encounter Ganados coming at you. Get rid of them all by grabbing your rifle. Go around the wall on the left and you”ll see Ganado coming with a big gun.

Resident Evil 4 Remake Chapter 5 Walkthrough

Wait until you get close and press the button to hit Saddler with the big metal bar. There is another button on the other side of the area, and you can use it to deal a lot of damage to Saddler. When Saddler falls to the ground after each attack, climb on top of him and attack his eyes.

Keep attacking until the island fires a rocket launcher and then pick up the rocket launcher from the bridge. Equip the rocket launcher and destroy Saddler.

Pick up 100,000 ptas from Saddler”s corpse. Cross the bridge, go round the corner and take the lift on the left. Go down the tunnel, jump down the ladder and catch up with Ashley. Continue through the tunnel to get the jet-ski. Use your switch to drive the jet-ski, first on the right, then on the left and then on the right again.

Go over the rock and avoid the pipes. Speed up and stay on the left side of the tunnel and avoid the rocks. In the same way, go left or right to get rid of the rocks at the end and end the game.