News Digging > Lifestyle > I’m an osteopath – here’s a simple way to get rid of that ‘unsightly’ neck hump
I’m an osteopath – here’s a simple way to get rid of that ‘unsightly’ neck hump
I'm an osteopath - here's a simple way to get rid of that 'unsightly' neck hump,NO one wants a hunchback. But many of us are at risk of developing the painful condition, also called ‘tech neck’, because we spend the majority of our time slumped over devices. This r…

I’m an osteopath – here’s a simple way to get rid of that ‘unsightly’ neck hump

NO one wants a hunchback. But many of us are at risk of developing the painful condition, also called ‘tech neck’, because we spend the majority of our time slumped over devices. This r…