News Digging > Sports > “He’s what we want to build the Bulldogs on": Rookie Dog goes from train-and-trial to Dally M lead
“He’s what we want to build the Bulldogs on": Rookie Dog goes from train-and-trial to Dally M lead
“He’s what we want to build the Bulldogs on": Rookie Dog goes from train-and-trial to Dally M lead,A year ago, the name Jacob Kiraz was unheard of by the casual rugby league fan. Flash forward just under a year after his NRL debut, and the winger holds an unlikely Dally M lead.

“He’s what we want to build the Bulldogs on": Rookie Dog goes from train-and-trial to Dally M lead

A year ago, the name Jacob Kiraz was unheard of by the casual rugby league fan. Flash forward just under a year after his NRL debut, and the winger holds an unlikely Dally M lead.