News Digging > Culture > Earliest predator ever discovered is a tentacled nightmare named for David Attenborough
Earliest predator ever discovered is a tentacled nightmare named for David Attenborough
Earliest predator ever discovered is a tentacled nightmare named for David Attenborough,Generally speaking, if you find yourself at the business end of a tentacled beast, you’re going to have a bad time. That was certainly the case for the residents of Perfection, Nevada in the movie Tremors. There, great underground monsters called Graboids hunted anything that moved, latching onto prey with multiple tentacle-like tongues.

Earliest predator ever discovered is a tentacled nightmare named for David Attenborough

Generally speaking, if you find yourself at the business end of a tentacled beast, you’re going to have a bad time. That was certainly the case for the residents of Perfection, Nevada in the movie Tremors. There, great underground monsters called Graboids hunted anything that moved, latching onto prey with multiple tentacle-like tongues.