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10 Greatest Losses From Marvel’s AXE Judgment Day
10 Greatest Losses From Marvel's AXE Judgment Day,Marvel's A.X.E.: Judgment Day event promised a battle of epic proportions. While the heroes achieved victory, it came with a heavy price.

10 Greatest Losses From Marvel’s AXE Judgment Day

Marvel Comics' epic A.X.E. Judgment Day event has completely turned the world on its head. A group of Avengers, X-Men, and Eternals tried to end the war between Eternals and Mutants by creating The Progenitor, a Celestial deity. Instead, it decreed that the Earth must be judged, and if more people failed than passed, it would destroy the Earth and all its inhabitants.

Unfortunately for the Earth, the Progenitor's judgment wasn't good. After the nearly omnipotent Celestial declared its judgment, it began sentencing the Earth, which meant destroying any living creatures existing on or near the planet. Billions died. Fortunately for the Earth, many of these deaths were eventually undone. Some losses, however, remained permanent.

The following contains major spoilers for A.X.E. Judgement Day #1-6 and related issues, now on sale from Marvel Comics.


10/10 Arjun Was Important. Everyone Is Important.

The Progenitor included six normal humans in his narration of the Judgment Day event. Arjun was a middle-aged man living in Delhi. The Progenitor explained that the humans it was following were important because everyone is important. Based on the Progenitor's logic, Arjun's death by heart attack during the war between the Eternals and the Mutants would be a tragedy, even if it were just an ordinary death.

However, Arjun's death was anything but ordinary. Arjun was killed in order to resurrect one of the Hex Eternals after it died. His death eventually revealed the secret behind the Eternals' resurrections: that each resurrection costs a human life. The Eternals lost their biggest secret, which cost them the respect of the humans they were sworn to protect.

9/10 Arakko Suffered More Losses Than Anywhere Else

Of all the damage caused by the war between the Eternals and the Mutants, the people of Arakko (formerly Mars) bore the worst of it. Prime Eternal Druig sent his genocidal grandfather Uranos to the planet and gave him an hour to wreak as much destruction as he could. Using his armories of deadly technology, which remained after he left, Uranos killed countless of Arrako's people and destroyed much of the planet's structures.

After the dust settled, many of the planet's council members had been killed, along with a significant portion of the population. Because the warriors of Arrako don't believe in using resurrection technology, those who died on the red planet are gone for good.

8/10 Krakoa Was Decimated Even Though Its People Are Safe

The Eternals began their war against the Mutants by engaging in a surprise attack against Krakoa. Druig summoned the Hex, a group of giant battle-eternals, which rose out of the Pacific Ocean and began attacking the island nation. The Hex, and the battle against them, absolutely demolished Krakoa.

Much of the island's infrastructure got damaged or destroyed, and countless Mutants were killed in the attack. If the Progenitor hadn't called off the attack, it might have destroyed the island completely. Krakoa's residents could fortunately be resurrected by the Mutants' resurrection protocol, but it will take a lot of time and effort to return their home to its former glory.

7/10 The Eternals Lost Their Good Reputation After Judgment Day

During the Judgment Day event, Sersi revealed the Eternals' biggest secret to the general population. The secret was that their resurrections have always come at the expense of a human life. She hoped her openness would gain sympathy, but she was wrong.

The human population became enraged by Sersi's revelation. Crowds of protesters confronted the Eternals' leaders outside the U.N., and threw garbage and insults at them. At the start of the war, people cheered for the Eternals as they attacked the Mutants on Krakoa. Now the Eternals found themselves in the same boat as the Mutants.

6/10 Arakko Was Isolated After Losing Its Teleportation Gates

When Druig sent Uranos to ravage Arakko, he intended it as a distraction to prevent the Mutants of Arakko from assisting the Mutants on Earth. Because of this purpose, one of Uranos' primary targets was the teleportation gates that allowed simple, quick travel between Earth and Arakko.

Uranos successfully destroyed all the teleportation gates on Arakko during his attack, leaving the planet isolated. It will take many years for Arakko to repair the damage Uranos caused. Without the ability to teleport easily between the planets, that work will be much more difficult.

5/10 Sersi Was Judged By The Humans Of Earth

Sersi failed when the Progenitor tested her for Judgment Day, and she believed it was because she kept the secret of how the Eternals resurrect. In response, she revealed that secret to the public, hoping for forgiveness. The humans, however, were not forgiving.

When the heroes confronted the Progenitor and argued that it didn't have the right to judge the people of Earth, it allowed the people of Earth to judge Sersi. The people were enraged and looking for a scapegoat, so Sersi failed their test. The Progenitor destroyed Sersi and prevented her from resurrecting. She became one of the few heroes whose death during Judgment Day proved permanent.

4/10 Cities Around The Pacific Remain Heavily Damaged

The Eternals first attacked the Mutants on Krakoa with giant Eternals called the Hex. The Hex emerged from beneath the Pacific Ocean, and when they did, they sent huge tidal waves traveling across the Pacific. In addition, the Mutants noted major tectonic damage during the battle with the Hex. Unfortunately, human cities often bear the brunt of battles between super-powered groups.

The damage caused by the war between the Eternals and the Mutants wasn't reversed when the Progenitor gave up his powers. Therefore, the cities around the Pacific still have significant damage that will need to be repaired. Additionally, many will grieve the lives lost in the devastation.

3/10 The Progenitor Became A Tragic Figure At The End of Judgment Day

The Progenitor was a Celestial created by a group of Avengers, X-Men, and Eternals to stop the war. Over the course of the Judgment Day event, it went on a personal journey. It's created as the Mutants' best hope for peace. It then transformed into a planetary-scale threat.

Finally, the Progenitor became a tragic figure, as Ajak judged it unworthy in its final scene. Throughout all the comics, even after its termination, the Progenitor was the readers' narrator. As a result, the reader can't help but feel pity for the misguided god as it faced its failure and demise with tears streaming down its face.

2/10 Compassion Was Lost As Orchis Gained Influence From Judgment Day

Anti-Mutant organization Orchis has been stoking mankind's anger against Mutants for quite some time. Before the Eternals attacked the Mutants, the X-Men dealt a blow to Orchis by infiltrating one of their facilities. Once the Mutants were under attack by the Eternals, however, Orchis was no longer their primary focus.

After Cyclops and Jean Grey revealed the Mutants' ability to resurrect their dead, jealousy fueled anti-Mutant sentiment even more. By the end of Judgment Day, families were walking around the streets wearing Orchis t-shirts and carrying balloons shaped like Mutant-killing Sentinels. This rise in Orchis' influence can only spell more trouble for the Mutants and possibly the Eternals as well.

1/10 Magneto Died On Arakko

Magneto left his position on the Quiet Council of Krakoa to pursue a new path on Arakko. In order to commit to the Arakko culture after they took leadership positions on the planet's council, Magneto and Storm gave up their telepathic mental back-ups used to resurrect them if they died.

When Uranos attacked Arakko, Magneto charged into the thick of it to defend his new people. He started strong, but Uranos overpowered him and ripped his heart from his chest. Magneto continued to fight, thanks to the iron in his blood and his magnetic control over metals. Magneto faced and defeated the remaining threats from Uranos' armories, becoming a hero of Arakko before finally succumbing to his catastrophic injuries.

NEXT: Magneto's 10 Greatest Accomplishments