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How To Make Your Overnight Road Trip Stops Even Easier – Explore
How To Make Your Overnight Road Trip Stops Even Easier - Explore,Road trips continue to rise in popularity over other methods of transportation. Here is what you need to know to make your next overnight road trip easier.

How To Make Your Overnight Road Trip Stops Even Easier – Explore

There’s nothing quite like a good ol’ fashion road trip. You’ve got endless car games such as iSpy and trivia (thanks to this helpful list of favorites from BuzzFeed), along with many other added benefits to taking a road trip. You can take your vacation into your own hands by picking the departure time. And you can also bring whatever items you’d like, including all of the snacks you could ever want. All you’ve got to do is gather your group and curate the perfect playlist before hitting the road.

Considering other methods of transportation, road trips have continued to increase in popularity. According to a survey by The Vacationer, road trips appear to be the preferred mode of travel in a post-pandemic world. An incredible 206 million Americans planned to take a road trip in upcoming months, many opting to go within 500 miles of their home. Of those surveyed, 87% felt road trips were great for family bonding. For a good reason, you can make your trip as detailed as you’d like and check out all the local goods and small foodie highlights along the way to your destination.

Whether it’s to check out a new place or bond, an overnight is inevitable unless you’re keeping your trip rather short. Before you play “Wide Open Spaces” by The Chicks, consider these steps to make your road trip as smooth as possible.

Plan your rest stops ahead of time

Svitlana Denysiuk/Shutterstock

When you’re driving, it’s easy to lose track of nuances, such as making sure you’ve got enough gas in the tank to get to your next destination. We’ve all done it. Perhaps you thought there was just enough gas in the tank to get you to the next stop, but you ultimately fell short. While elevation and road conditions can certainly play a part in the performance of your tank, it’s best not to rely on the speedometer as it can be uncertain. In an interview with Western Mass News, Mark Schieldrop, a spokesperson for AAA Northeast, revealed that many people are failing to buy the appropriate amount of gas. “There have been reports of people running out of fuel because they’re cutting it a little close,” Schieldrop revealed. “And that’s an indication that people are putting as much as they can afford in their tank and not filling all the way up.”

To eliminate this unnecessary stress, consider filling up your tank and planning rest stops using Google Maps; a useful tool that lists the current prices at each gas station that you can search along your route. Planning as much as possible will also assist with your safety, as there may not be well-lit functioning rest stops along your route. This will come in handy as it’s a good idea to take a break every two to three hours, per Driving Test.

Make overnight accommodations ahead of time

Scyther5/Getty Images

Embarking on a long journey can be exciting, but small details can be forgotten. Try to relax and enjoy every moment along your journey, not just the destination. A good place to start is to ensure you’re well-rested ahead of each day. The National Safety Council states that those with driving fatigue are three times more likely to crash. It is important to plan your overnight accommodations ahead of time. Doing so will not only give you an idea of where you will be going, but it’s a great time to check out new cities along the way. Find the best cup of coffee and maybe even the best restaurant by doing your research. Small towns may pride themselves on local flair, so you could be in for a treat.

Take an extra step of precaution and consider booking your hotel in advance. Booking in advance could provide you with more savings, and it may give you more flexibility. According to Nerd Wallet, rooms can be up to 15% less if the booking is made 15 days ahead instead of four months. Booking in as little as two weeks out can save you the extra funds to purchase that local trinket you’ve been eyeing.

According to Lee Health, there are many benefits to traveling, such as relieving anxiety and stress, while boosting your happiness and strengthening relationships. Now it’s time to grab your loved ones and hit the road.