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Last Epoch: Best Sentinel Build
Last Epoch: Best Sentinel Build,Here's what the strongest builds for the strength-based Sentinel class look like in Last Epoch.

Last Epoch: Best Sentinel Build

Last Epoch is set in the world of Eterra, where players must journey through different timelines and alternate realities to stop an ancient evil from destroying existence itself. "Travelers" can travel through time and space. They unlock skills and abilities as they play, letting them customize their character's playstyle and build.

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Sentinel is one of the five base classes in Last Epoch. As a heavily armored warrior, the Sentinel can withstand significant damage while dishing out powerful attacks. Their primary attribute is Strength. A Sentinel Build is a specific set of skills, passive nodes, and gear players can customize their Sentinel character to fit their playstyle. Now, let's look at the best sentinel build in Last Epoch.


6 Forge Army Forge Guard Build

The Forge Army Forge Guard build is a tanky minion summoning build that focuses on using Warpath on Monoliths and Void Cleave on bosses. The build relies on using Manifest armor and 12 Summon Forged Weapons, an army in themselves. The build is known for its lazy gameplay, making it ideal for those who enjoy watching movies or Netflix while playing. The minions provide decent apparent speed, and bosses can be easily defeated if the combo of Void Cleave, Molten Blades, and Harbinger of Dust is used correctly.

This defensive build can cap armor, passive tree resistances, and Warpath stun immunity. The construct uses blessings, idols, and the Sunforged Cuirass to summon weapons. The Sunforged Cuirass makes the build feel wonderful, but it scales well and has significant single-target damage potential.

5 The Blender

The Blender has exceptional apparent speed and single-target damage. The build is also user-friendly for beginners and people with disabilities, with few buttons and quick access to resistances and sustain. The Warpath skill is channeled when the player moves, causing echoes that cause damage to nearby foes in the Blender build.

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The construct can use Maw of the Deep, Wings of Argentus, and Throne of Ambition for additional damage reduction and resilience. The Blender build is played with a two-button revolution, making it simple to learn but challenging to master. The build can handle the game's content, including the Monolith of Fate, Arena, and Dungeons.

4 Whirlwind Warpath Forge Guard Sentinel build

This build focuses on high health regeneration, rapid health leech, healing from Smite, and armor from Sigils and equipment for defense. The setup uses a one-handed sword and a shield, which can later be replaced with a two-handed weapon to transition some of the defensive power into offense. Most skill tree points are allocated defensively, but some can be switched to Overwhelm or Relentless for more damage.

The Forge Guard skill tree is where most of the points are invested, with Shield Breaker, Hammer and Anvil, Smelter's Might, Infinite Bulwark, Osprixbane, and Walls of Solarum being the most efficient passives. The build is a decent starter for the Sentinel class, with good defenses and low item requirements.

3 Smelter's Wrath Build

Smelter's Wrath Build deals AoE damage to enemies by utilizing the Smelter's Wrath talent. Smelter's Wrath has a long charge time, requiring the player to stand stationary for an extended time. The build, however, combines Smelter's Wrath with Eternal Eclipse, a Unique 2-Handed Sword that grants +207 Melee Void Damage to Fire Melee Attacks every 2 seconds.

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By stacking Void Damage and Melee Damage boosts, the build maximizes Smelter's Wrath Damage. Using Smelter's Wrath, the build deals much damage while being very survivable and mobile. Smelter's Wrath, on the other hand, still has a charge time, and the construct is dependent on a single unique item.

2 Smiter Paladin Build

The Smiter Paladin Build focuses on maximizing the damage dealt by Smite, an ability that uses holy fire to burn enemies. The build uses a Lightning-based approach. The unique Devotion amulet is crucial for this build as it increases lightning damage, cast speed, and adaptive spell damage based on the amount of mana the player is missing. The build also includes using Sigils of Hope with Exigency mod to keep mana levels low without running out.

To trigger Smite, players should use Multistrike or Lunge if targets are at a distance. The build also focuses on improving defense by investing points in the Sentinel Skill Tree and passives that synergize with shields, increasing defense and offense. Notable passives in the Paladin Skill Tree include Conviction, Holy Precision, and Light of Rahyeh, while the Void Knight Skill Tree includes Devouring Blade.

1 Autobomber Void Knight Build

The Autobomber Void Knight Build allows players to use auto-casting Anomaly and Devouring Orb to kill everything in their path while running through any content. This build is potent, and it utilizes Void-themed Sigils of Hope to increase its survivability and Void damage.

The build is also very durable and has high health, decent blocking chances, and excellent health leech. It doesn't require unique items and scales well with levels and passives, making gear customization easier. The build is unsuitable for players who find walking around boring, and it might be slower than other builds when bossing.

Last Epoch is currently available on PC.

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