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The Unwritten Rules of Overwatch 2
The Unwritten Rules of Overwatch 2,Overwatch 2 has developed a long list of unwritten rules among its community that many new players may be unfamiliar with.

The Unwritten Rules of Overwatch 2

When a competitive multiplayer game reaches a certain point of popularity, it's not uncommon for it to develop a set of unwritten rules. These rules can be born out of necessity or simply because a humorous trick caught on in the community, but they often serve as an essential code of conduct for a game's most dedicated players. One such game that has a considerable amount of unwritten rules is Overwatch 2, many of which originate from its predecessor. Considering how long Overwatch has been around, Overwatch 2 has built up its fair share of unwritten rules in the relatively short amount of time it's been out.


In truth, Overwatch 2 isn't dramatically different from Overwatch, but the fact that Overwatch 2 is free-to-play makes it much more accessible for many gamers. With this increased accessibility comes players who likely have no familiarity with Overwatch 2's unwritten rules, which can often frustrate longtime fans. Overwatch 2 is all about teamwork, so when some players aren't privy to specific expectations, it can ruin the flow of matches for some. With some time and patience, however, even the newest players can adapt to Overwatch 2's most essential unwritten rules.

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Get Good With Multiple Heroes Instead Of Mastering One

Overwatch 2 is built around distinct heroes with unique abilities that can turn the tide of battle in an instant. While it may seem enticing to pick one character and perfect them, like Overwatch 2's Genji for example, it's widely accepted that it's better to have experience with a handful of heroes. Not all of Overwatch 2's heroes will excel in every situation, so having the ability to adapt and switch when necessary can single-handedly change the course of matches. Although it may take time to learn how certain heroes work, it will pay off when another hero is getting countered or simply isn't helping the team enough.

Respect Mirror Matchup Duels

In many Overwatch 2 matches, two players on opposite teams will choose the same hero. If this ever happens, and the two players decide to engage in a duel, it is common courtesy to sit back and watch to see who comes out as the victor. It is often frowned upon to interfere in any way, whether that means dealing damage or healing either player. While it certainly runs counter to the objective of most Overwatch 2 matches, mirror matchup duels can be highly entertaining and energize the team with the winning player.

Always Thank The Healers

One of the most thankless jobs in any team-based video game is playing a healer. While keeping the team alive is essential, most gamers have more fun doing damage and playing at the frontline. In Blizzard's multiplayer shooter, however, a large part of the community has emphasized the importance of giving healers like Overwatch 2's Mercy the appreciation they deserve. Using the chat wheel function, Overwatch 2 players can offer generic thanks to their group, and many direct these thanks to healers when they come to the rescue. It's also common courtesy to offer an end-of-game endorsement to particularly helpful healers.

Overwatch 2 can be an intimidating game to get into for the first time, and part of that apprehension stems from its many unwritten rules. While these are in no way all the unwritten rules of the game, they are a strong foundation for new players to learn from. Considering Overwatch 2's outdated tutorial, it's essential for all players to have the tools they need to feel comfortable hopping into a match. As the game continues to expand, Overwatch 2's unwritten rules are sure to do the same.

Overwatch 2 is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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