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10 Games That Changed The Series They Came From
10 Games That Changed The Series They Came From,Little did we know that these games would change their respective series forever.

10 Games That Changed The Series They Came From

There are times when certain games need to get out of their comfort zone to really show the masses their true potential. Games that end up restricting themselves to one gameplay loop or style for too long end up becoming relics of the past that are unable to cope with the changes that the gaming industry demands time and time again.

In order to foster innovation and keep these games relevant in the long run, it's only a given that most studios will need to make some massive changes to ensure that a new generation of gamers ends up being lifelong fans. Many gaming franchises have adopted this method with varying degrees of success, and the most notable examples of the lot are mentioned below.


10 Resident Evil 4

The first three Resident Evil games had fixed cameras and tank controls. While this worked for the time, there was no denying that such systems would feel extremely dated on the next generation of consoles.

So, when Resident Evil 4 came out, Capcom not only changed up the formula but set the standard that future third-person shooters would follow. The fact that games like Uncharted and Gears of War wouldn't exist without Resident Evil 4 – along with its many, many ports – shows just how much of a massive innovation this game really had in terms of its gameplay.

9 God Of War

God of War was one of the PS2's flagship franchises, releasing the third game in the main trilogy on the PS3 that was pretty fun to play in its own right. However, after this game, Kratos ended up fading into relative obscurity… until the release of 2018's God of War, that is.

With a closer over-the-shoulder camera, a different and more nuanced Kratos, and an open-ended level design, God of War's reboot turned into something truly special. With a sequel at the end of 2022, the series continues to improve upon its existing concepts while adding something new.

8 Castlevania: Symphony Of The Night

There was a time when Castlevania was nothing more than a series featuring several action platformers that were pretty challenging to boot. However, the inclusion of RPG elements in Symphony of the Night changed the course of this series – and gaming, in general – for good.

Symphony of the Night was a brilliant title that featured great gameplay, amazing level design, and fun bosses. It was a memorable and impactful experience that is still inspiring many games to this day.

7 Super Mario 64

Most people associated Super Mario with the 2D platformers that had been coming out for quite some time. With the advent of the Nintendo 64, the time was ripe for the series to receive an overhaul of its own.

This came in the form of Super Mario 64, which is lauded by many as one of the most legendary games ever made. It kickstarted a wave of 3D platformers and established the series as one of the very best in Nintendo's library.

6 Persona 3

The first two Persona games – well, technically three – featured a high-school setting where students randomly got powers. However, it was Persona 3 that established a template for this Shin Megami Tensei spinoff that would stand the test of time for the years to come.

The addition of life sim mechanics, Social Links, and various other gameplay mechanics led to Persona 3 being one of the more innovative games in the series. While future games might've perfected this formula further, props should be given to the third mainline Persona entry for facilitating this wave of change in the first place.

5 The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild

The Legend of Zelda is one of the greatest and most historied series of all time. One massive shift in the series was already brought with the advent of Ocarina of Time, but Nintendo had already been utilizing this formula for way too long over the past few years.

So, with the release of Breath of the Wild, Nintendo was trying for another change to the series' status quo. This was achieved in truly splendid fashion, with Breath of the Wild being lauded by many as one of the greatest and most innovative open-world games of all time – a genre that Nintendo was dabbling in for the first time, too!

4 Assassin's Creed Origins

The annual release of Assassin's Creed titles soured many fans on the series after a point. With Assassin's Creed Syndicate not enjoying the sales that Ubisoft would've expected, the series was shelved for a year while it tried to reinvent the wheel.

The end result was Assassin's Creed Origins, which looked at The Witcher 3 as a source of inspiration to create a massive world that is full to the brim with content. Unfortunately, this innovative measure has turned into another template for the series, which has lost a lot of what made it special in the first place.

3 Fallout 3

The first two Fallout games are legendary CRPGs known for their dark humor and bleak nuclear wasteland, with the concept of morality becoming muddied through instances of truly great writing. With Bethesda taking over the Fallout name, fans were eager to see how the series would evolve

There's no denying that the shift to a 3D action RPG in a vast open-world made for a great shift that the series would enjoy quite a bit. However, this came at the cost of the writing taking a huge hit, with old-time fans not very keen on what the story and the majority of the side quests had to offer in Fallout 3.

2 Tomb Raider

The release of Tomb Raider: Underworld was the last time that Lara Croft would make an appearance for the longest time. With Square Enix and Crystal Dynamics at the helm of things, the time was ripe for the series to evolve.

The Tomb Raider reboot was a return to form for the series. While it might've gone a bit too far in its bid to emulate Uncharted with its set pieces, most people loved playing through a story that fleshed out Lara's journey and showed how she became a tomb raider.

1 Grand Theft Auto 3

The first two Grand Theft Auto games were modest successes that gave Rockstar Games a vague idea of how to help the series evolve. They decided to employ everything they'd learned to create a 3D Grand Theft Auto game that would quickly shoot up the ranks as one of the greatest titles ever made.

The sheer freedom and scope of Grand Theft Auto 3 is still mind-boggling to this day. It was a monumental success that helped Rockstar rise up as one of the greatest video game developers of all time – a lofty title that they've arguably still held to this day.