News Digging > Lifestyle > Hellboy Game Pays Tribute to Lance Reddick
Hellboy Game Pays Tribute to Lance Reddick
Hellboy Game Pays Tribute to Lance Reddick,The developer of the upcoming Hellboy game, Hellboy: Web of Wyrd, has paid tribute to actor Lance Reddick following his death. Lance Reddick was one of those actors that popped up in tons of stuff and made the most of his screentime, even if it was only a matter of a few minutes. He had a deep and [...]

Hellboy Game Pays Tribute to Lance Reddick

The developer of the upcoming Hellboy game, Hellboy: Web of Wyrd, has paid tribute to actor Lance Reddick following his death. Lance Reddick was one of those actors that popped up in tons of stuff and made the most of his screentime, even if it was only a matter of a few minutes. He had a deep and […]