News Digging > News > Please don't sacrifice your friend to survive a bear attack, US govt pleads
Please don't sacrifice your friend to survive a bear attack, US govt pleads
Please don't sacrifice your friend to survive a bear attack, US govt pleads,In case you've ever wondered how to handle a bear attack, the general rule of thumb is to not sacrifice a friend – well, according to the National Park Service.In what was intended to be a somewhat serious announcement, the organisation urged people to not "push a slower friend down" in the event of...

Please don't sacrifice your friend to survive a bear attack, US govt pleads

In case you've ever wondered how to handle a bear attack, the general rule of thumb is to not sacrifice a friend – well, according to the National Park Service.In what was intended to be a somewhat serious announcement, the organisation urged people to not "push a slower friend down" in the event of…