News Digging > Lifestyle > Huge distress as seven ponies hit – and five killed – within eight days – Horse & Hound
Huge distress as seven ponies hit – and five killed – within eight days – Horse & Hound
Huge distress as seven ponies hit – and five killed – within eight days - Horse & Hound,Seven ponies have been hit and five killed on Dartmoor within eight days, the most collisions ever seen in such a short time. Dartmoor Livestock Protection Society livestock protection officer Karla McKechnie told H&H the incidents were hugely upsetting, especially as only three of the collisions were reported, leaving the ponies involved in the others …

Huge distress as seven ponies hit – and five killed – within eight days – Horse & Hound

Seven ponies have been hit and five killed on Dartmoor within eight days, the most collisions ever seen in such a short time. Dartmoor Livestock Protection Society livestock protection officer Karla McKechnie told H&H the incidents were hugely upsetting, especially as only three of the collisions were reported, leaving the ponies involved in the others …,Seven ponies have been hit and five killed on Dartmoor within eight days, the most collisions ever seen in such a short time. Dartmoor Livestock Protection Society livestock protection officer Karla McKechnie told H&H the incidents were hugely upsetting, especially as only three of the collisions were reported, leaving the ponies involved in the others […]