News Digging > Culture > Tom Cruise sings "Hakuna Matata" dressed as Pumbaa from The Lion King with dedication and intensity for sketch with James Corden
Tom Cruise sings "Hakuna Matata" dressed as Pumbaa from The Lion King with dedication and intensity for sketch with James Corden
Tom Cruise sings "Hakuna Matata" dressed as Pumbaa from The Lion King with dedication and intensity for sketch with James Corden,Tom Cruise, the musical theatre kid, sings "Hakuna Matata" dressed as Pumbaa from The Lion King for a sketch with James Corden with the same dedication and intensity as he does when he's jumping out of a plane

Tom Cruise sings "Hakuna Matata" dressed as Pumbaa from The Lion King with dedication and intensity for sketch with James Corden

Tom Cruise, the musical theatre kid, sings "Hakuna Matata" dressed as Pumbaa from The Lion King for a sketch with James Corden with the same dedication and intensity as he does when he's jumping out of a plane