News Digging > Lifestyle > ‘Unedited’ Roald Dahl books are listed for nearly £7,000 on eBay
‘Unedited’ Roald Dahl books are listed for nearly £7,000 on eBay
'Unedited' Roald Dahl books are listed for nearly £7,000 on eBay,It comes as a huge row has broken out in the UK after it emerged that Puffin had made hundreds of alterations to the Dahl's books, following the use of 'sensitivity readers'.

‘Unedited’ Roald Dahl books are listed for nearly £7,000 on eBay

It comes as a huge row has broken out in the UK after it emerged that Puffin had made hundreds of alterations to the Dahl’s books, following the use of ‘sensitivity readers’.