News Digging > News > My Great Gatsby obsession got me thinking about possessions – and how they define who we are
My Great Gatsby obsession got me thinking about possessions – and how they define who we are
My Great Gatsby obsession got me thinking about possessions – and how they define who we are,If your home was on fire, which possessions would you try to rescue before you scarpered to safety? It’s a difficult question, and one I’ve been trying to answer myself these past few days. Since I’m not a hoarder and expensive material possessions don’t mean much to me, my answer should be really easy – I’d just grab my dog and run.

My Great Gatsby obsession got me thinking about possessions – and how they define who we are

If your home was on fire, which possessions would you try to rescue before you scarpered to safety? It’s a difficult question, and one I’ve been trying to answer myself these past few days. Since I’m not a hoarder and expensive material possessions don’t mean much to me, my answer should be really easy – I’d just grab my dog and run.