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Bayonetta Voice Actor Reveals Her ‘Immoral’ Wage Offer, Requests Boycott
Bayonetta Voice Actor Reveals Her 'Immoral' Wage Offer, Requests Boycott,Acclaimed Bayonetta voice actor Hellena Taylor implores fans to boycott the latest entry in the franchise and explains her exit from the series.

Bayonetta Voice Actor Reveals Her ‘Immoral’ Wage Offer, Requests Boycott

Bayonetta star and acclaimed voice actor Hellena Taylor calls for fans to boycott the upcoming sequel.

In a video posted to Twitter on Oct. 15, Taylor explained why she declined to appear in Bayonetta 3, as well as why she hopes fans won't buy the game. Taylor said that Nintendo's "…final offer, to do the whole game as a buyout, flat rate, was $4,000 [USD]." Helena described the sum as "an insult to me, the amount of time that I took to work on my talent, and everything that I have given to this game and to the fans."


She continued, "I am asking the fans to boycott this game, and instead spend the money that you would have spent on this game donating it to charity. I didn't want the world, I didn't ask for too much, I was just asking for a decent, dignified, living wage. What [Nintendo] did was legal, but it was immoral." She also noted that the Bayonetta franchise has made approximately $450 million from game sales alone, and gave viewers a quick overview of her illustrious career as an actor.

Bayonetta Actor Asks For Boycott

Taylor, who has appeared outside video games in films and TV shows including Stargate Atlantis and across a variety of stage roles, has voiced the titular witch of the Bayonetta franchise ever since the 2009 original. She has also reprised the role for Bayonetta's appearances in the Super Smash Bros. series and portrayed various characters in games such as Dragon Age and The Saboteur. Following the release of Bayonetta 3's first trailer, fans were quick to speculate that the protagonist of the upcoming sequel might not be the same Bayonetta they know best.

This is far from the first voice-acting fiasco Nintendo has had to deal with in recent years. The first trailer for Nintendo's upcoming Super Mario Bros. animated film gave fans their first glimpse of Chris Pratt in the lead role of Mario. Although the internet offered seemingly nothing but praise for Jack Black's King Bowser, Pratt's Mario was met with near-universal disdain. Many viewers noted that Pratt's rendition of the iconic plumber-turned-hero sounded eerily like the actor himself doing a mild Brooklyn accent. Previously, Pratt offered fans some insight into his preparation for the role, promising that, "I worked really closely with the directors and trying out a few things and landed on something that I’m really proud of and can’t wait for people to see and hear."

Bayonetta 3 arrives on Oct. 28.

Source: Twitter