News Digging > Culture > Hawkeye Has Been Forced to Lose a Major Part of His Costume
Hawkeye Has Been Forced to Lose a Major Part of His Costume
Hawkeye Has Been Forced to Lose a Major Part of His Costume,The Thunderbolts' Hawkeye is back in his classic costume, but the most iconic piece of Clint Barton's look won't be part of it.

Hawkeye Has Been Forced to Lose a Major Part of His Costume

The following article contains spoilers for Thunderbolts #3, on sale now from Marvel Comics.

Hawkeye is back in the classic costume going back to the character's first appearance, but as seen in the latest issue of Marvel's Thunderbolts, the most iconic part of Clint Barton's costume is going away.

Yes, the purple archer must get rid of his just-resurrected trademark mask, as seen in Thunderbolts #3, written by Jim Zub, penciled by Netho Diaz, inked by Victor Olazaba, colored by Java Tartaglia and lettered by VC's Ariana Maher and Cory Petit. The order comes down from the team's PR manager Helen Astrantia, who tells Clint, "The Thunderbolts are the sanctioned team of New York City. The public needs to see all your faces, free and clear."


Clint hadn't donned his classic horn-rimmed mask and cowl when he first took on the role of team leader, so the reintroduction of his mask has turned out to be short-lived. Astrantia hands down the order after Clint calls the team — Spectrum/Monica Rambeau, America Chavez, Power Man/Victor Alvarez and new cyborg hero Gutsen Glory — together for an impromptu training session. Persuasion/Kara Killgrave and diminutive Eegro from Monster Island are also members of the current Thunderbolts.

Hawkeye's Dumped His Mask Before

Clint Barton's Hawkeye has gone through numerous costume overhauls– and even adopted new identities — over the decades, but these changes have always proven to be temporary before returning to his original costume, as he's done for this series. Originally introduced as a villain combatting Iron Man in 1964's Tales of Suspense by Stan Lee and Don Heck. Clint eventually cleaned up his act and joined the Avengers, but retained his classic look until 1972's Avengers #98 by Roy Thomas and Barry Windsor-Smith, adopting a maskless look with a barelegged tunic.

The pants-less look didn't last, with Clint making the first of many returns to his original costume less than a year later. The advent of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and its heroes' more modern-day costumes inspired a simpler look for Clint's comic book counterpart, as seen in Matt Fraction and David Aja's acclaimed Hawkeye series in 2012. That look has largely stuck for the past decade, but Thunderbolts has heralded the return of the character's traditional look — albeit without its most recognizable aspect.

Clint was pressed into service by Luke Cage, New York City's mayor in the wake of Wilson Fisk's reign, to lead up a new Thunderbolts roster to redeem the team's name. Fisk's previous team of the same name was composed of super-villains and went through various iterations, most recently led by Taskmaster.

Thunderbolts #3 is now on sale from Marvel Comics.

Source: Marvel