News Digging > Culture > Owen Wilson & Michael Pena reveal how their sad ‘Secret Headquarters’ fight came to be
Owen Wilson & Michael Pena reveal how their sad ‘Secret Headquarters’ fight came to be
Owen Wilson & Michael Pena reveal how their sad 'Secret Headquarters' fight came to be,When it comes to blockbuster superhero movies, spontaneity is hardly the first word that comes to mind, given how laborious the production process of these spectacle-heavy movies tend to be. Filmmakers always talk about precise storyboarding, meticulous blocking and choreography of action scenes, and the massive logistics of planning every shot.

Owen Wilson & Michael Pena reveal how their sad ‘Secret Headquarters’ fight came to be

When it comes to blockbuster superhero movies, spontaneity is hardly the first word that comes to mind, given how laborious the production process of these spectacle-heavy movies tend to be. Filmmakers always talk about precise storyboarding, meticulous blocking and choreography of action scenes, and the massive logistics of planning every shot.